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Campus UNED

Exam accommodations

The UNED offers you the possibility of requesting adaptations of various types, most of them aimed at taking the In-Person Tests.

Students with disabilities and/or specific educational support needs who require adaptations to take the exams must request this during the registration period in their accreditation application.

The registration period will end on April 28, 2025 (May/June call) and July 22, 2025 (September call).

The student who does not make the request within the aforementioned period will not be able to take an exam under special conditions.

The students should specify the accommodations or adjustments they need for each subject.

The student must submit the following documents by electronic filing:

  • Dictamen Técnico Facultativo. (Official document recognizing the disability situation of the student). Also, would be valid a recent medical or psycho-pedagogical report, legible and signed by the specialist, indicating his or her collegiality number.
  • Psycho-pedagogical report prepared by the guidance department of the school where the student is enrolled or of the autonomous community where he or she resides, indicating the specific educational support needs, the adaptation proposal and the justification that the requested adaptations have been previously applied.

 All documentation must be translated into Spanish (certified translation, according to existing regulations).

  • The code you will be asked to enter when submitting the documents is as follows:
· U02800266 - Center for Assistance to University Students with Disabilities (UNIDIS)

During the exam, students with disabilities shall receive all the accommodations and adjustments to which they are entitled.

In case of doubt or for any clarification, contact UNIDIS:

Phones: (+34) 91 398 6074 / 6075


For more information about our Center for attention to university students with disabilities, you can consult the UNIDIS website.