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Campus UNED

PAU (before EBAU)

University entrance examination

Students from foreign educational systems who apply to universities that require the PAU (before EBAU) exam must instead sit Specific Competency Tests (PCE) for the following subjects:

  • Three common subjects:
    • Spanish Language and Literature
    • First foreign language to choose one of German, French, English, Italian or Portuguese
    • Choose one from History of Spain or History of Philosophy
  • One compulsory subject of modality according to the chosen modality.
  • Optionally: a maximum of two PCE subjects

Grade calculation formula to be applied by the host university:

1º. The arithmetic mean of the 4 compulsory subjects (general core and compulsory subject of modality) is calculated. A minimum of 4 points must be obtained to apply the formula.

2º. The following formula is applied:

University entrance Mark (maximum 10 points) = (0.4 x average mark of the exams of the obligatory subjects) + (0.6 x average mark of the baccalaureate, calculated by the UNED).

A minimum of 5 points is needed to pass the PAU (before EBAU).

3º. Finally, the university applies its weighting tables to calculate the admission mark for each degree, in this phase a maximum of 14 points can be obtained. The formula applied is the following:

Admission grade: 0.6 x NMB (Average High School Grade) + 0.4 x Compulsory Phase Grade + a x M1 + b x M2.

Where a and b are the weighting parameters (0.1 or 0.2) of the subjects and M1 and M2 the grades of a maximum of two subjects passed (minimum 5 points) that provide the best Admission Grade and that are established for that degree in the weighting tables published by the university.
